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NO 033

Festival Float Overview
(Kumagaya Uchiwa Festival)
(250 words WEB / Pamphlet / QR)

Twelve decorated dashi and yatai floats take part in the Kumagaya Uchiwa Festival, each representing a different neighborhood. Seven of the floats are dashi, tall floats that can reach a height of 9 meters and are decorated with models of ancient deities and historical figures. The other five floats are called yatai. All are ornately carved and decorated to resemble shrines, with a platform at the front for musicians playing drums, cymbals, and flutes. The dashi and yatai are pulled through the streets of Kumagaya on each of the three days of the festival and are lined up in the festival square in front of Kumagaya Station in the evenings.
Until the late nineteenth century, the Kumagaya Uchiwa Festival consisted of Shinto ceremonies and a portable shrine procession. During the Meiji era (1868–1912), Kumagaya was a center of commerce in the region, with a thriving silk industry. In the late nineteenth century, the Daini Honcho-ku neighborhood purchased a lavish festival float from Tokyo to use in the annual festival. Other neighborhoods began to build their own dashi and yatai for the event, and a friendly rivalry developed over the years, adding to the excitement of the occasion.

Festival Float Overview
(Kumagaya Uchiwa Festival)
(250 words WEB / Pamphlet / QR)

熊谷うちわ祭では、熊谷市の各町区を代表する12の山車と屋台が担がれます。このうち7つが高さ9メートルにも及ぶ山車で、そこには太鼓の神谷歴史的人物などが描かれています。残りの5つは、屋台と呼ばれる神輿です。 すべての神輿に神社に似せた凝った彫刻と装飾が施されており、前面には、太鼓や鐘や笛を演奏するための舞台が設置されています。祭りの3日間、神輿は熊谷市街の各地を移動し、夜になると、熊谷駅前の祭り広場に並べられます。
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